Upper Valley Seed Savers
Seed Saving Project *
Date/Season: 2016/2017 growing season
Crop / Species: Parsnip/Pastinaca sativa
Variety: Guernsey, Tender and True, Turga
Project Type: Variety Trial
Project Goals: Guernsey has a rather woody core, this trial aims to determine whether the two other varieties are more tender. I will also observe comparative shapes, growth habits, hardiness, storage quality, and general flavor. All three varieties will be grown in the first year. I will dig the roots at the end of the season, choosing the best for possible seed production and returning those to the garden for overwintering. Back-up roots will be stored in the greenhouse. In the second year I will grow either Tender and True or Turga for seed, seeking an isolation garden for the second variety to assess seed production.
Project coordinator: Sylvia Davatz
Email: sdav@valley.net Phone: (802) 436-3262
Other people working on the project and their contact information:
Project site(s) description (soil, aspect, amendments…): 106 Gilson Road, Hartland. The garden is south-facing, the soil is loose and sandy/loamy with ample organic matter. Only organic amendments will be used.
Volunteer / resource needs:
Additional Comments:
Project Report (cont'd on second page):
*Format Adapted from Hilltown Seed Saving Network website
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