Books, Booklets, and PDFs for Seed Savers



The Seed Garden: The Art and Practice of Seed Saving (Seed Savers Exchange)

by Micaela Colley and Jared Zystro

Edited by Lee Buttala and Shanyn Siegel


Seed to Seed

by Suzanne Ashworth


A Seed Saving Guide for Gardeners and Farmers (pdf)

Organic Seed Alliance



The Manual of Seed Saving

by Andrea Heistinger




Breed Your Own Vegetable Varieties:

The Gardener's and Farmer's Guide to Plant Breeding and Seed Saving

by Carol Deppe



Organic Seed Production and Saving (NOFA Pub)



The Organic Seed Grower:
A Farmer's Guide to Vegetable Seed Production
by John Navazio



Back Garden Seed saving

by Sue Strickland



Saving Seeds by Marc Rogers

















The Lost Art of Potato Breeding

by Rebsie Fairholm



Seed Ambassadors' Seed Saving Zine - 4th Edition

Seed Saving Guide 4th edition

Seed Ambassadors' Seed Saving Zine 4 hand out (3.8 MB PDF) This handout formatted version is your best choice for printing and reading if you do not have one of those fancy zine staplers. 

Seed Ambassadors' Seed Saving Zine 4 duplex (3.5 MB PDF) This zine formatted version is for printing in a duplex printer and folding into a Zine. That is why the pages seem to be in a weird order. If your printer does not have duplex ability you can print it one page at a time, flipping each page over to print the back side. (These links and comments are taken from the Seed Ambassadors website)


Seed Savers Exchange Seed Saving Guide (pdf)