"A Breed Apart: The Plant Breeder's Guide to Preventing Patents through
Defensive Publication"
High stakes for small ears: Seed stewards preserve native varieties of corn, other plants
2020-01-12 Valley News Indigenous Crops.pdf (Same article as a pdf)
Fire Blight Spreads Northward, Threatening Apple Orchards
Growing Garlic from True Seed by Ted Jordan Meredith and Avram Drucker
From "Garlic Analecta: Selected writings on garlic"
A Conversation With Vandana Shiva (YouTube video)
February 26, 2012, Sackville, New Brunswick
Vermont Heirlooms: Plants with (more than one) story to tell
An article from Vermont's Local Banquet, Spring 2012
(Please note that the contact email for our group that is given in this article is wrong. Our group's contact address is uvseedsavers@gmail.com)
Children of the Corn
An article about a corn grown on the Tuscarora Reservation near Niagra Falls for hundreds of years.
35 Who Made a Difference: Jane Mt Pleasant by Gary Paul Nabhan
A short Smithsonian article
Artisanal Wheat On the Rise
Smithsonian Magazine article
Food Ark
National Geographic article
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